December Player of the Month: Spencer Scolnick


This month we honor Spencer Scolnick. Spencer brings a great sense of humor and enthusiasm to the team. Scolnick has played in the front row as well as flanker but missed the field this past semester due to a torn thumb ligament. However, he was in full support of the team, assisting with video and equipment needs. Scolnick is graduating this semester after only three and a half years. He will be headed to New Orleans for a job in the oil and gas industry.

Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 180″
Year: Senior
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Englewood, CO

Why rugby?
I studied in Australia at UNSW the summer after my freshman year. After watching the games on TV, I went to a couple of live games. After the second live game, I promised myself I would go out for at least one practice back at school. I haven’t looked back since.

What have you liked about Michigan rugby the most so far?
I have never met a group of guys so dedicated to anything before. The heart and desire the other guys on the team put into everything is what has kept me coming back. Yes, the actual game is important, but nothing compared to the relationships built on the pitch. I don’t envy people who did not get to have that experience in college.

Most memorable moment on the pitch?
My first try in 15’s was while we were on tour in Trinidad and Tobago. We were playing their U-19 team on a pitch that felt like concrete. I am glad that my first try was while we were on tour.

What’s your favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
My favorite rugby drill in practice is when we do the mini games like finger fencing, the over-under wrestling, and  gorilla-like push games. That’s the best I can describe those, but people understand. My least favorite is when we had to do this circuit Stu dreamt up that combined body carries and wheelbarrow and squats and sprints into one drill.

What other sports have you played?
I played travel ice hockey from age 4 on until I graduated high school. I also played hockey for my high school all 4 years. I played a little lacrosse, and I am a big skier.

In 5 years, what do you see yourself doing?
In 5 years, I hope to be deciding what building at U of M I want to name after myself. This is after I have already named a new rugby field and clubhouse after myself of course.

What’s some embarrassing childhood memory you can tell us?
I was eight years old I think. My Dad and I were swimming in the pool at a country club we used to belong to. He would put me on his shoulders in the pool and let me jump off. After a while, my dad decided that he was bored of it. Next time I climbed onto his shoulders, he decided to pull down my swimsuit in front of everyone who was at the pool.

Favorite place in Ann Arbor?
My favorite place in Ann Arbor is the Black House. Everybody says that the Arb is beautiful and should experience walking through it at least once. I say that the Black House may not aesthetically compare to the Arb on any level, but walking through the Black House for the first time is truly an experience.

Biggest fear?
My biggest fear is that I will not live up to all of the huge accomplishments my overconfidence sets for myself, but then again my streak is pretty good.

Favorite food/meal?
My favorite meal is sushi, but I prefer the Feed to anything.

Any game day superstitions?
On the way to all of the games, I visualize different parts of the game. That and yelling a lot.

Favorite superhero and why?
My favorite super hero is Iron Man. Not really a super hero, but just a really rich dude with a cool suit that he can use to fly. Can’t beat that.

Best advice you’ve ever received?
He who conquers self is the greatest victor.

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