Congratulations to Tommy Hendricks, our Player of the Month!
Position: Forward
Height: 5’10″
Weight: 180 lbs
Year: Sophomore
Major: Business
Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
Why did you decide to play rugby?
I wanted to join a tight-knit group of hardworking students with diverse interests and a passion for physical fitness and competition.
What have you liked about Michigan Rugby so far?
I really love the camaraderie and dedication. Being openly accepted to a club full of tradition and history and being able to work every day towards a common goal has been an experience I won’t forget.
Describe your most memorable moment on the field.
Sonny Bill offload to George Janke in an Alumni CRC game in New Orleans.
What’s your most favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
Favorite – Anything with the Dudes. Least Favorite – Pushing the sled with the forwards.
What other sports have you played?
Wrestling was my main sport in high school. I also played a year of football, rugby, cross country, track, and rowing. I currently train for and compete in ultramarathons.
What do you see yourself doing in five years?
I haven’t particularly decided. I think I would like to be in NYC working with finance in some aspect.
What is an embarrassing childhood memory that you can share with us?
Raised an MSU fan, an embarrassing memory would be screaming at the TV in pride as MSU beat UMich in football in 2013.
What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
Anywhere other than University Towers. Maybe Palmer Field.
What is your biggest fear?
Purple Frosted Doughnuts. Genuinely.
What is your favorite food?
Steak quesarito
Do you have any game-day superstitions?
“Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted,” – Sun Tzu
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
Superman. Flies, shoots lasers from his eyes, lifts buildings.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
“You are what you repeatedly do; therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit,” – Aristotle
Again, congratulations to our August Player of the Month, Tommy Hendricks!