To cap off their regular season, the Wolverines took on the Hoosiers for a 29 – 17 loss at Home. The first half did not go the Wolverines’ way, ending with a 22 – 3 score with a penalty kick from Max Rector. However, the Wolverines fought back hard in the second half. George Janke punched it in for the Wolverines’ first try followed by a successful conversion by Max Rector to cut the gap to 12 at 22 – 10. With 10 minutes left in the game, Andrew Backer scored his first career try for a 22 -17 score with another successful conversion by Max Rector. However, to end the game, the Hoosiers got a penalty try for a 29 – 17 final.
The Wolverines second side also fought wire-to-wire against the Hoosiers second side. The Hoosiers scored the first try of the game within the first three minutes. However, the Wolverines responded and punched in a try, scored by Nick Dabagia. The Hoosiers then responded with another try after three minutes. Nic Granchalek followed up with a try for the Wolverines. The Hoosiers responded with another try for a 19 – 10 score. To end the half, Alex Olsen made a big run to enter the second half with a 17 – 19 lead after a Devin Riley conversion. The Wolverines opened the second half strong, scoring two consecutive tries by Jackson Dabagia and Conor McNabnay for a 27 – 19 lead. However, the Hoosiers regained their momentum punched in two more tries for a 29 – 27 lead. The end of the game went in the Hoosiers’ way, banking in two more tries for a final 43 – 27 score.