Ryan Grover is our January Player of the Month. Since joining the team his freshman year, Grover has fought back from injury to make a big impact on and off the field as club president. Congratulations Grover!
Position: Lock
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 240 lbs
Year: Junior
Major: Economics and Statistics
Hometown: Cromwell, CT
Why did you decide to play rugby?
I saw a Facebook post the May before my freshman year. To be totally honest, I’m not exactly what drew me in, but shortly after, I got in contact with Coach Trenary and Luke Bool, and I was hooked.
What have you liked about Michigan Rugby so far?
Definitely the culture. Michigan Rugby has pretty much been the central point of my college experience, and it wouldn’t be that way without the guys on the team. We have such a great environment that everyone feels welcome. My closest friends at school all came through the team, and my experience has made me into a better man. I’ve even gotten the privilege of being elected President, a really great honor.
Describe your most memorable moment on the field.
This past October against MSU was my first game back from injury. I fractured my vertebrae and was out for a year. I remember making my first tackle in that game, and it was kind of scary going in given my last, but that hit worked out pretty well and I won’t forget it.
What’s your most favorite rugby drill in practice? Least favorite?
Favorite is definitely set piece work. Least favorite is the Wolverine.
What other sports have you played?
Not much. I was a field event specialist in high school track. I played a little basketball as a kid.
What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Hopefully trading at some big fund or working as a management consultant.
What is an embarrassing childhood memory that you can share with us?
One time I was walking home from school with a bunch of friends. It had rained the day before. I wanted to take a shortcut through a muddy baseball field but, as everyone predicted, slipped and was covered in mud for the next few hours.
What is your favorite place in Ann Arbor?
It’s tempting to say the IMSB, but it has to be our shared house on White St. Some of my favorite memories have come there
What is your biggest fear?
Being forgotten
What is your favorite food?
Steak with sweet potato fries and asparagus.
Do you have any game-day superstitions? Explain.
I have a lot of pre-game routines – various wraps and tapes. Outside of that I always make sure to take some pre workout and meditate a little. Calm my mind then go crazy.
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
I always liked Thor. Super cool powers and he is literally a god.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.
Again, congratulations to our January Player of the Month, Ryan Grover!