Category: Intrasquads

Jones Rockets up the Standings in Intrasquads Round 3

After Intrasquads Round 1, we listed Jones as the the worst team in our power rankings. Two weeks later, Jones looks like a legitimate championship contender. The race for the title is more open than ever.

Dudes Outpace Sues, Ross Still Winless After Intrasquads Round 2

Intrasquads Round 2 ended with a bang, as frontrunner Dudes outlasted top challenger Sues in a thriller to close the night. Despite the excitement on the field, there wasn’t a single change in the standings this week.

After Round 1, Dudes and Sues Are Frontrunners for Intrasquads Title

This year’s MRugby Intrasquad Tournament kicked off at Oosterbaan Field House last week. We have provided standings below, as well as power rankings and a short review of each of the teams’ performances in the first round.

UMRFC Intrasquad 7s Are Back

As recently as 2017, Michigan Rugby conducted a multi-week intrasquad sevens tournament each winter. Squished between busy falls and springs competing against clubs from other colleges, “intrasquads” was meant as a fun …

Week 4 of Intrasquad Sevens Marked by High Scoring Games

      (Pictured: Ben Cotsarelis moments before looking like a complete clown, also Kyle Patmore)   The first Friday in February brought the start of our fourth week for intrasquad sevens. A certain team member in charge of the website had decided to use that day to take new roster photos for the team, …

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Week 2 of Intrasquad Sevens Filled with Great Games

  On Friday January 20th, the White House wasn’t the only place that saw a transition of power. UMRFC’s weekly sevens games proved again that this year would not be like the last. With some triumphant wins and heart breaking losses, week two brought us more great rugby. The question on everyone’s mind, of course, …

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Week 1 of Intrasquad Sevens Shows Promise of Scrambled Standings

Friday, January 13th 2017 saw the beginning of a new intrasquad sevens season here in Ann Arbor. The team saw a big influx of new players this year and with it, a sizable change in the structure of many of our beloved sevens teams. Only time will tell if the trends that began to shape on …

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Intersquad Championships Brings a New Champion (Finally)

My apologies to all those reading on the late article, it was a busy week leading up to spring break and being on tour in Costa Rica (which will also have a write up) I did not bring a laptop along. Also a lot of names were left out this week because nobody was manning …

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Week 5 of Intersquad 7s Shakes Up the Standings Before the Championship

This week had some short numbers to due various injuries and sicknesses floating around the team. 3 of the intersquad teams had to borrow members from other teams, but games continued nonetheless. Some unexpected results sets up the standings for next weeks championship, when the top 4 teams will be battling for the plate. Ross …

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Week 4 of Instersquad 7s Brings Balance to The Standings

On Friday, February 6th, your favorite squad of ruggers had their fourth round of the intersquad 7s tournament, and the playoffs are drawing ever nearer. This week put Ross, The Mary Sues, and Duderstadt battling for first place with point differential, andJones just trailing in 4th. Mary Sue Coleman 26 Vs. Ross 19 Bitter from …

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